Thursday, November 24, 2011

More website stuff

Managed to grap a half hour or so to work on the website in between working, gardening, shopping and watching 'QI' and 'The Slap' which I had recorded.  We had a blackout at work this afternoon and we all took the opportunity to go home early.  I used it very productively.

Am having second thought about some of the design and layout of the website.  I should just get it up there and be done with it. I could fiddle around with it forever.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nearly there!

Can't believe how long it has all taken.  Thought it would be 3 months or so, but it has taken 12 months so far.  We can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, with only a few things left to do. Trouble is it all takes time and as we both work full time there is not much free time left in the day to do all the things we need to do.

Have loved the journey, though.  The B&B is looking great!  STAY TUNED......