Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Got to work this morning and there were 3 cars in the car park when ususally there are 50.  I looked at my watch and checked the time and date in case I'd come on the wrong day.  Found out from one of the 3 people here that the workshop guys, who start work at 7.30am, usually go to breakfast at the pub on the last day before Christmas. Doesn't look like there'll be any work done today at all.  Apparently morning tea and Kris Kringle will be at 10am followed by the drinks trolley..... then a BBQ lunch at 12 followed by speeches to farewell the boss.

Spending time with Peter's family over Christmas, then we will have a week of holidays left to get all the last minute things ready for the B&B.  I registered the Gallery B&B with with the SA Tourism database last night.  I also want to put it on Takeabreak, Stayz, and Wotif as well.

Anyway, time for some Christmas celebrating ..oops, I mean work!  Merry Christmas everyone.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Check out our new Website

Take a peek at our new website:
We will be adding bits to it as we go along.  Feel free to book some accommodation from our Bookings page.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Love - hate relationship

I love our birdlife.  In fact we have a family of wattle birds nesting under the deck and mum and dad birds work industriously to feed the four starving beaks that can be seen over the top of the nest.  That is well and good, but one needs to draw the line at purple bird poo droppings scattered all over our pond and new fountain.  They even landed on our couches. We're going to have to drape sheets or plastic over these items until the nesting season is over or the purple berries are no longer in season.

I can see that it'll be bleach and a scrubbing brush after work tonight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pond Ahoy!

Filled up the pond over the weekend and used some plants from the overgrown front garden pond to populate this one. Tried out the fountain and it kinda worked except that I think it needs a longer spout.  Will now have to get some water lilies and some fish.  Simon suggested we take some water from the front pond to add some bacteria to the new pond to establish the water culture.  I must say we already find it serene to just sit by the pond and watch the fountain.  Will be good when we get some fish.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lunch with ex-colleagues

Had to break the news to my friends from Infor that we won't be having a launch for the B&B anytime soon due to the deck not being crowd-worthy.  My foot went through one of the boards last week and so we have had to bring forward the deck restoration.  Not that it interferes with the B&B downstairs, but guests will be gathering upstairs at any such event.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Website is up

Well, have finally put the website up on the net.  Whilst it looked perfect while under construction, when I checked it out in Internet Explorer 7 it stretched  across the whole width of the screen instead of staying set at 1000 pixels across.  It turns out that IE7 doesn't respect the TD width command and requires another command to restrict the width. Grrr....  I fixed that and when I get a chance I'll fix some word wrapping issues and slow image loading issues.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Elusive Urn

After months of waiting for a suitable urn to be found by our landscaper to replace the 'Asian Style' pot he originally installed in our pond, we might be getting one tomorrow.  Then it will be a challenge to set up the pond, get some fish, plants, water lilies etc and make it a thriving ecosystem like our other pond where we don't even have to feed the fish.